An exclusive invitation only

UFO/ET experiencer group!

Contact In The Desert

10th Anniversary

James and C.J. will both be at Contact In The Desert 2024 10th Anniversary May 30th to June 2nd. Visit James booth to speak to James and see his original art and the art of other experiencers.!

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Zoom Meetings For Experiencers

Be sure to follow us on Facebook where we will be announcing upcoming meetings where you can share your experience with other experiencers and explore your experience though many art forms.

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All Is One, One Is All

This is a message many experiencers receive from our visitors. James received this message as well. We believe that by joining together, sharing our stories, listening to others, and artistically expressing these life altering experiences all of our stories come together as one amazing story, painting a picture of the phenomenon and calling it out of the shadows and into the light.

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Are You Having Contact?

Are you having experiences you can’t explain? Contact with other dimensional beings or entities is a bizarre and surreal experience. How would you even know? How could you ever be sure? But maybe you suspect something is going on and you want to know more. You may feel isolated and confused. You are awakening to a new reality.

Many people feel that they are having contact with extraterrestrial and/or interdimensional beings. Anyone can have a multi-dimensional experience. We are here to help guide you into a deeper understanding of your new reality through art and communing with others who have had similar experiences. Your experience is important and we want to hear your story.

Have you dismissed experiences or things you’ve seen or heard because you couldn’t explain them? Many people feel shame for having these unexplainable/strange or bizarre experiences and fear what others will think of them if they share these experiences. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, people all over the world are having unexplainable occurrences every day. The people having these experiences are not mentally ill, they are not hallucinating… they are having intelligent contact with someone or something else… beings/entities from some as yet unseen world, spiritual realm or dimension — it’s time to embrace our new reality and see where it takes us.


    We are so happy you have found us! We’d love to hear about your experiences to see if you are a good fit for our community. We will be hosting online zoom meetings for selected experiencers to share their thoughts and feelings and create original works of art around their experiences and contact. There is…

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